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Green.B e-SHOP 已經隆重開幕!
漫畫產品的設計和各式展覽給我一種難以言喻的愉快感,包括參與各種大型動漫節展示!我們設計產品主要是日常生活常用的,特別是文具類別,感覺就是要每天見著才快樂(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧。我的一些最愛設計多會在漫畫展覽中和大家分享。請在 Green.B 網上商店查看我們的最新產品!
Bee e-SHOP is proudly launch!
I engaged in freelance comic design of Manga products and public exhibition including Kowloon Bay Manga public show and Wan Chai Exhibition! The product mainly including toto bags and stationery. Some of my favors are being published in the geniue Manga exhibition section for the shows. Please check out our latest Product in GreenB Online Shop!
Enjoy your visit!
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